Daily habit tracker

Focus on building good habits while eliminating all the stress

No account required


Everything you need to effortlessly track all your habits

The perfect habit tracker to motivate and help you build good habits, while being flexible enough to suit your daily life.


Offline use



Visualize your progress

Offline use

The data is stored in your browser's cache, meaning this app can be fully used offline for however long you want! You can sign in with your email if you want to sync your data between devices

Enter email address

We support passwordless authentication. Just enter an email, paste the verification code and you are logged in!

Available on all of your devices

This app is a fully functional progressive web app, which means it works seamlessly on both your laptop and mobile device, just like any native app. To install it on your mobile device, simply follow the instructions provided here:




All the core features included for free

Track unlimited habits

Offline use

Track streaks

Pause the app

Sync data for 30 days

Get started now!

Start tracking your habits for free, no account required!

Frequently asked questions

For other questions or concerns, send us an email at yashbhalgat9657@gmail.com

Daily habit tracker

A simple and minimalistic daily habit tracker app

© yashbhalgat.netlify.app